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Bishopbriggs School of Music - COVID19 STRATEGY

Bishopbriggs School of Music - Coronavirus Exit Strategy

Bishopbriggs School of Music - Coronavirus Exit Strategy

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When we were re-designing the Music School for living with COVID19 we took a far-reaching, long term approach, to protect our students and staff. 


All our lessons are taught one to one, with no physical contact between tutor and student. This includes all notes or assignments - previously passed to our students on printed sheets - which are now transferred via our new online google drive systems.


We re-designed our teaching rooms to allow for a full 2 Metres (or more) social distancing, with designated areas for both tutors and students. We invested in perspex screens for all rooms, including the main office and implemented a daily tempreture screening protocol for all tutors and staff.  


In addition, we added sanitising wipes, spray and hand gel to every room and in the corridors for both entering and leaving the school through our new one-way system. Everyone coming into the school must wear a mask in the corridors and when they are leaving school. The mask can be taken off in class, but if the tutor comes from behind the perspex screen a mask must be work and social distancing must be adhered to. 


We also invested heavily in a full redesign and repurposing of our waiting room and turned that into a new hand washroom, which you enter in to from the front door of the school. Everyone entering the school must wash their hands here. Also after every lesson, our tutors wipe down all areas where the previous student has been sitting or standing. This also applies to any touch areas within the school, such as handles, toilets etc which are wiped down every 30 mins while lessons are in. 


We have new systems in place for bringing students into the school, where each tutor calls the student in when they are ready, therefore reducing the risk of build-up in our corridors. All students/parents have been told that if anyone is unwell, being tested or anyone int he family are being tested, they do not come into the school and their lesson will take place via Zoom.  


As a further measure, we decided to invest in brand new double glazing throughout the school to allow for proper ventilation and eradicating the extra moisture in the rooms that was there with the previous metal framed single glazed windows. 


Although these measures have been deemed by some to be extreme, we know that our students, their families and our staff feel safer in this current working environment. We also take note of any changes from the Scottish Government and introduce those measures when required. 


NEW Social Distancing Measures:


(1) All tutors will wear masks

(2) The tutor's temperature will be monitored/recorded.

(3) Lessons will be staggered to reduce social contact.

(4) All students will remain in their car until texted by the tutor.

(5) New 'One Way' System. 

(6) New Hand Washroom 

(7) All Music Rooms - designated Students/Tutors areas. 

(8) All Music Rooms will have a Perspex Shield.

(9) We will continue to use the ZOOM technology in classes.​ 


ANY QUESTIONS:  Please call Peter O'Neil on 0141 772 4333 or via email at 

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Monday 3.00pm-9:00pm

Tuesday 3.00pm-9:00pm

Wednesday 3.00pm-9:00pm

Thursday 3.00pm-9:00pm

Friday 3.00pm-9:00pm

Saturday CLOSED



Copyright © 2018; Bishopbriggs School of Music



Units 41 + 42

102 Crowhill Road
Huntershill Village
G64 1RP

0141 772 4333

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