FAO Students & Parents
As we continue to develop the Music School’s strategy in response to the Coronavirus pandemic and in an attempt to circumvent any disruption to our students, we would like to offer the opportunity for them to take lessons via Skype.
Our plan would be to set up each tutor with a specific Skype address and keep all lessons at the same time and day as they would normally be held. If you would be interested in trialing this with your child please let us know and we will set this up immediately for their next lesson.
We would reiterate these changes are purely temporary and everything will go back to normal as soon as this situation has changed. We would further underline that there are NO reported issues in our area and there is very little risk to the school, however, we believe that these measures are sensible in the short term.
Finally, we would like to thank you for standing steadfast with the school through this turbulent time. Our management team is meeting daily in response to the outbreak to implement measures that will mean as little disruption to our students as is humanly possible. We are a small community-based business and could not survive without your loyal support.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Lee on 0141 772 4333.
Lee & Peter